He began drawing in the 2nd grade and by the 3rd grade he knew he wanted to be an artist. In 2013, Alexis Pulé began participating in the visual arts program* at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center. His desire to create art permeated his school years and sustained him throughout his college experience. Alexis prefers painting with acrylics, but also enjoys using graphite, colored pencils, and watercolors. Over the years, art has given him an activity that he could excel in when all the other kids were participating in sports. Alexis’s art is inspired by figurative and surrealist styles; he sees ideas throughout the day, thinks about how it would look on canvas, and then adds his own style to his original inspiration.
*The year-round adult and pediatric patient art program is fully funded through the Rancho Los Amigos Foundation and Las Floristas.
100% of the purchase price goes directly to the artist.
Contact Alexis for all billing, shipping, and artwork related questions at AlexisPule19@gmail.com